Nissrine Fessikh
25-08-2021 4 min read

Meaningful trends to adopt in 2022

Time is running out. You need to start planning your marketing strategies for 2022 already. So let's think about it and see what marketing trends will shape 2022.


Own your audience


In reality, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media network owns your audience. You don't own them. So, even if it worked pretty well for you, you should be concerned - and should start owning your audience. Why?

Because you'll be able to ensure that the message you want to send to your followers actually reaches them.

Second, it's because there are so many metrics and dependencies in today's algorithms that actually affect the delivery of your message. For example, the people you want to talk to probably can't hear you. It's also expected that the people who follow you will also follow another group of brands and get lost in all the marketing noise.

Did you know that there are over 500 million tweets sent every day? It's super noisy out there! How do you make sure your tweets reach your audience?

Did you also know that over 6 million businesses use Facebook ads to reach their target audiences? That's a lot of businesses!

The attention span of today's consumers is extremely short. Often, it's less than three seconds, thanks to the constant flow of new information. That's why it's hard to make sure your content actually reaches your audience.

That's why 2022 should be about to start owning your audience. I know it's easier said than done, but in the long run, you can get great results.

Newsletters are compelling. Think about it. Your audience's inbox is a personal space, and if they're willing to let you in, you'll probably get their full attention.

However, if you do manage to get into their inbox, your marketing strategy will have to change. Content needs to become much more personalized and relevant to specific groups.

Also, in 2022, the trend of creating personalized content will likely be more important than ever. With all the changes in the digital landscape, people will be increasingly selective about what they consume as their expectations rise.

Brands will likely spend more time creating content (and not just for their internal teams but for customers as well). So if you haven't started yet, it's time to start! At the same time, make sure your content appeals to your audience or market segment.

Le temps passe trop vite et vous devez commencer déjà à planifier vos stratégies marketing pour 2022. Alors, réfléchissons et voyons quelles tendances marketing façonneront 2022.




Influence and educational content vs. hard-selling


Digital marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000 ads every day. That's a lot of ads!

No wonder people have become immune to hard-sell tactics. In fact, they activate their defensive mode when brands start pushing them to make the purchase.

Instead of hard-selling your products or services, tell your customers why they need you. It should be a matter of convenience, and you need to show them that you can help them.

The best of the best in customer education is Apple (in my humble opinion). Their success lies in more than just well-designed phones, laptops or tablets. They have done a great job of educating the consumer.

Did you know that Apple's iPod had a 75% market share of digital music players at the time? They portrayed a person using the devices by showing the features and helping the consumer visualize what the device was for.

Beyond the well-crafted ads, Apple also provides a space for consumers to experience its products: its stores. The Genius Bar is where a consumer can come to learn about the product, ask questions and get help if needed. Store geniuses rarely sell or try to convince customers to buy something or switch from one item to another - instead, they show the capabilities of an Apple item and let you draw the conclusions.

More and more brands, mostly digital, are starting to realize the power of such marketing, and we can now see more following suit.

Hard-selling will become more and more ineffective. Instead, it's better to redirect the energy used to develop hard-sell strategies to find ways to provide convenience and educate your audience.


genius bar


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